McKinney-Vento Homeless Youth 

Family Assistance

BAISD McKInney Vento Homeless Education Coordinator
Tamra Reinbold

State Street Academy McKInney Vento Homeless Education Coordinator
Dorian Matthews

The State Street Academy homeless program is provided collaboratively with the Bay Arenac Intermediate School District and the State of Michigan.  Our program strives to eliminate barriers to education for homeless children and youth by addressing and supporting the educational needs of students who find themselves in temporary or transitional housing during the school year. 

The definition of homeless is, according to the Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence. If any one of the three conditions listed below is missing, the child is considered homeless based on the current living situation.

  • Fixed: securely placed not subject to change or fluctuation.

  • Regular: is defined as consistent or habitual.

  • Adequate: is defined as meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home environments.

This act guarantees homeless children and youth the following:

  • Immediate enrollment

  • The right to attend the his/her school of origin

  • Transportation assistance

  • Immediate eligibility for free child nutrition

  • Services comparable to those received by housed schoolmates, including supplemental educational services.

We work closely with area shelters and housing providers, area community resources providers and agencies, to help ensure educational stability, support, and encouragement for students and families in short-term, temporary, and transitional housing while they secure permanent housing.